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08-08-2023 +32nd semester examination 2023 This is for information +3 of all concerned that the TDC (CBCS) Arts, Commerce & Science t"l Semester Examinations, (Honours 2023 & Regular: Fresh/Fail/Absent/Grade Replacement) shall b€ commenced from 1 .9.2023 as per the following examination schedule:
31-12-2022 Holiday list The college will remain closed on 01-01-2023 on account of “New Year Day” .
31-01-2023 3rd semester Exam 2023 This is for information of all concerned that the TDC [CBCS.) 3rd semester examination 2023 [Fresh/Fail/absent/ Back/ Grade Replacement) for regular course under choice based credit systems [CBCS) shall commence from O1.O3.2023 as per the following schedule. TIME: 2.00 P.M to 5.00 P.M
14-12-2022 5th sem Es
05-01-2023 5TH SEM INTERNAL EXAMINATION 2023 TIME :1.00 TO 2.00PM & 2.00 TO 3.00PM 11.01.2023: CORE-11 ARTS& Sc, CORE-12 ARTS&Sc. 13.01.2023: DSE-01 ARTS&Sc, DSE-02 ARTS&Sc. View File
08-12-2022 NAAC PEER TEAM VISIT ON 8TH & 9TH DECEMBER It is here by informed that The NAAC PEER TEAM will visit on 8TH & 9TH DECEMBER so all the staffs and students to present at college campus on or before 7Am positively.
25-06-2022 6th Mid semester examaination it is infromed to all the +3 3rd year Arts/science studnets that their 6th mid semester will be held on 29/06/2022 to 30/06/2022
21-06-2022 +3 Re Admission fees All the studnets of +3 2nd year and 3rd year Arts and science are infromed to take their Re-admission for Academic session 2022-23 at college cash counter .
18-06-2022 +3 1st semester univerrsity Exam As per the B.U all the member of teaching and Non-teaching staff are here by infromed that they will attend the college form 10.30am to 4.00 pm due to commencement of 1st semester exam-2022 which schedule from 20/06/2022
06-06-2022 staff councilling meeting All the teaching and non-teaching staff members are here by informed to come to college on 7/06/2022 by 9.30am to work about 1.Posting of +3 3rd semester marks in B.U prortal 2. construction of new class room builiding 3.Matter if any
29-05-2022 Juba sansnkar programme All the teaching and non-teaching and all the student of +3 steams attend college before 10.30am for smooth conducting of Juba sanskar programme under Mo college Abhijan.
25-05-2022 +3 1st semester Mid- term Examination it is informed to all the +3 1st year Arts/Science (Hons and Regular) students that their Mid semester Examination will be held 28/05/2022 to 31/05/2022.
06-05-2022 +3 6th semester form fill-up all the student of +3 TDC 6th semester 2022 fresh /failed/ absent and grade placement student (arts/science) are informed to fill up their form for 6th semester exam-2022. as per the B.U letter no-3920 dt-04/05/2022 with exam fee and date 09/05/2022 to12/05/2022 by12.30am
17-05-2022 +3 3rd end semester examination all staffs of +3strems are informed that they will remain present in the college on 18/05/2022 by 7 am for smooth conducting of 3rd semester exam
21-05-2022 +3 1st semester form fillup As per B.U letter no.-4145 dt-19/05/2022 the student of 1st semester-2022(fresh/failed/absent Back and Grade Replacement (Arts and Science) are here by infromed to fill up their Exam form on 24/05/2022 to26/05/2022 as without fine.
17-03-2022 +3 5th semester (Arts and Science) mid semester examination. All the student of +3 5th semester (Arts and Science) are here by informed to appeared the Mid semester Examination which will commence form22/03/2022
14-02-2022 +3 1st sem Arts/science Honors fees it is informed to +31st year Arts and Science students to deposited their respective Hons. fees on or before 20/02/2022 at college cash counter .
05-12-2022 Departmental welcome function Political Science on 8/01/2022 Department Political Science Conducted a Welcome . So we Invite all the teaching and Non-teaching Staff and student of Political Science attend the programme to be grand success.
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